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Prepare for a lifetime of success with one-on-one support, career-launching academics, and generous scholarships at Mary Baldwin University, where the focus is always on you. Share your information below to learn more.

Already know you belong at Mary Baldwin?


Students of color
We’re proud to be one of the most diverse campuses in the nation.


Students who receive career guidance
The McCree Center for Life Success will collaborate with you to design a career and life you love.


Students who receive financial aid 
We award $16 million in aid each year to students, including generous scholarships and grants.

Top 50

Place to live nationally
Staunton, VA is among the best places to live in the nation, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Find your level-up

Discover more about Mary Baldwin University,
where the focus is always on you.

101 E Frederick Street

Staunton, VA 24401


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© 2023 Mary Baldwin University

Access to a high-quality education for everyone - you'll find it at Mary Baldwin.  Kickstart your future success by filling out this form.

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When you provide your e-mail address, we will use it to keep you updated with information relevant to your interest in Mary Baldwin University and your search for the right program. We will not sell or share your information.